I recently had the pleasure of being on this wonderful podcast dedicated to everything mystery books.

Back in the spring, the ladies from It Was a Dark and Stormy Book Club visited our area for their podcast episode featuring fellow local author Misty Simon, aka Gabby Allan.
They stopped by the Mechanicsburg Mystery Bookshop during their stay and even took a picture with our longest resident, Mr. Bones!

I am thankful they asked me to be on an episode for my Death of a Dispatcher book and I hope that you enjoy it as much as I did participating in it! You can listen to it online by clicking on the button below, or on your mobile device through Apple Podcasts.
While you are there, don't forget to listen to the episode with Misty Simon on her latest novel, Much Ado About Nauticaling under her pen name, Gabby Allan!

Images borrowed from It Was a Dark and Stormy Book Club's Facebook page.
Make sure to follow them on Facebook and to visit their website at
#itwasadarkandstormybookclub #podcastsforauthors #mysterypodcasts #mystery #podcast #author #sliceoflifemysteries #beckyandrufusmysteries