" We could be 'up a creek without a paddle' in a very short time."
It Only Takes One Bite (Slice of LIfe Mystery Series Book #1)
This murder mystery book is about Alexandra Jean Applecake. She owns a cake bakery and supply shop in a small town located in Pennsylvania. After delivering a wedding cake, a groom dies after taking just one bite. Alex becomes the prime suspect and her bakery is closed down. She decides to investigate and clear her name and reputation. Through the ensuing investigation, close friends and the police start to look guilty. To the dismay of her best friend, Cat, Alex becomes real friendly with one of the detectives investigating the murder.
Alex has a secret connection to the victim that incriminates her. She knows that she is innocent , but to open her store again she must clear each of her staff, who are also her friends. However, after interviewing her employees, she finds out that she is not the only one with secrets nor the only with a good motive. Danger follows Alex everywhere she goes. Alex begins to wonder if she will survive her first investigation.
It Only Takes One Bite