This is a partial re-posting of the author interview I did for the online cozy mystery magazine, Cozy She Wrote, where you can read over the original posting in its entirety.
Five Cozy Questions for Author Sheryl C. D. Ickes
1. Why do you write cozy mysteries? I write this fun genre because I enjoy reading it! A few of the things I find intriguing about the different series are the character growth and camaraderie between the main people as the storylines develop. It is commonly stated that books are friends, and the characters inside sometimes feel more real than the people around us. When a reader has reached that level of a deep connection with a book, then the author has accomplished his or her goal. As a reader, I like mysteries that are fun and provide an escape as opposed to those with depressive themes or ones containing graphic language, sex, and violence. Hence why cozies are right up my alley!
2. What cozy mystery book or project are you working on right now? Have you ever heard of the expression that there are multiple train tracks in my head, each blazing fast with a conductor trying to keep them all from ramming into one another? I cannot think of a more apropos expression when describing my future writing projects. While jotting down notes on various sized papers and envelopes, I try to keep them separated into their respective novels as I focus on working behind-the-scenes on the next installment in each of my current series: Becky and Rufus Cross Country Mysteries and A Slice of Life Mysteries.
3. Which character in your books do you most relate to and why? This response cannot be a singular answer in my case. Since both main heroines in my two series are based off experiences in my prior jobs, they represent me from different viewpoints that complete a larger picture. Alexandra Applecake, star of my A Slice of Life Mysteries, owns and operates a bakery and supply shop in the town of Creek Water, PA. Just as this series follows her exploits into the world of cake decorating and running a business, my own life has mirrored many of her attributes in this field; minus solving a crime or two. The same goes for Becky from my Becky and Rufus Cross Country Mysteries. While she is only beginning her traveling adventures all over the vast United States, one mystery in each state at a time, I have visited over 30 states in my own trucking career.
4. What’s a common misconception about the cozy mystery genre? I would say that...
To read over the rest of the interview, please visit the Cozy She Wrote magazine to be introduced to other authors and a plethora of interesting cozy mystery content.