While my family is of German and Irish descent, and not Italian, this recipe comes from a friend's family that gave me permission to not only mention the cookies in my the second book, Murder in the Woods, but also to publish the recipe for all my readers.
So rather than going into a long an drawn-out background story to this cookie that resembles more like pancakes, here it is... (oh, and you are going to need a griddle for this one)
What you will need for this recipe:
6 cups of flour
3 tsps. baking powder
2 tsps. nutmeg
2 tsps. mace
1/2 tsp. salt
1 cup Crisco © (shortening)
1 cup butter
2 cups sugar
1 tsp. vanilla
3 eggs
1 cup milk
1 cup raisins
Start by blending Crisco © and butter in a large mixing bowl. Add sugar, eggs, vanilla, and milk, and mix well. Add raisins and mix well. Add flour and the remaining ingredients. Chill for several hours (approx. 3 hours). Roll out a handful of dough onto
a floured surface to about 1/4 inch thickness. Using a round cookie cutter, or drinking glass, cut out round circles.
Preheat an electric griddle or skillet to 350-375 degrees. Lightly swipe shortening onto the surface of the griddle before placing cookies on surface. Wait till they are a light golden brown before flipping with a spatula. Remove from griddle or skillet once both sides are a light golden brown color. Let cool and enjoy.
** Number of cookies made dependent upon size of cutter. Might want to cut recipe in half since original recipe makes a ton of cookies.
Now, I shouldn't have to mention this, but this recipe is only a suggestion. I am not held responsible for any damage to yourself, or any object in your house, should you decide to give this recipe a try. And it is always important to double-check with food allergies whenever making food for large groups at work or get-togethers.
I hope that you can add this cookie to your baking list this holiday season and feel free to jot down what your favorite cookies is in the comments below. Until next time, have a great time baking! #cookierecipe #cozymystery #recipe #dessert #sweets #welshcookies #raisins #griddle